ノイシュヴァンシュタイン城 - 位置: フュッセン近郊、時間: 9:00-18:00、入場料: 大人€13。内部者のチップ: 事前にオンラインでチケットを予約し、長い列を避けましょう。
マリエン広場 - 位置: ミュンヘン中心部、時間: 24時間開放、入場料: 無料。内部者のチップ: 歩行者天国であり、近くのカフェで休憩を取りながら建築を楽しむのがおすすめです。
英国庭園 - 位置: ミュンヘン中心部から北へ、時間: 24時間開放、入場料: 無料。内部者のチップ: 自転車をレンタルして庭園を散策しましょう。
ドイツ博物館 - 位置: ミュージアム島、時間: 9:00-17:00、入場料: 大人€14。内部者のチップ: 広大な展示スペースを持つため、興味のあるセクションを事前に決めておくと良いでしょう。
ヴィクトアーレンマルクト - 位置: ミュンヘン中心部、時間: 月曜日-土曜日 7:00-19:00、入場料: 無料。内部者のチップ: 地元のチーズやソーセージを試し、本物のバイエルン料理を楽しみましょう。
ミュンヘンレジデンツ - 位置: ミュンヘン中心部、時間: 9:00-18:00、入場料: 大人€7。内部者のチップ: ガイド付きツアーを利用して、宮殿の豊かな歴史を学びましょう。
ホーフブロイハウス - 位置: ミュンヘン中心部、時間: 9:00-23:30、入場料: 無料(食事・飲み物は別)。内部者のチップ: 伝統的なバイエルン音楽が毎晩生演奏されます。地元のビールと一緒に楽しんでください。
Offenburg is a city of great historical and architectural landmarks that are sure to captivate any visitor. Located in the south-western part of Germany, the city is the perfect destination for those looking to explore the country’s rich culture, browse its stunning architecture, and indulge in a variety of delicious cuisines. This guide will present the top historical and architectural sights of Offenburg, as well as where to eat while exploring the city.
St. Peter’s Cathedral. This stunning Gothic cathedral dates back to 1220 and is one of the most important churches of the city. Its beautiful stained glass windows, painted ceilings, and intricately carved altars draw visitors in. It is located at Fischmarkt 1 and admission is free from Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 5 pm. Make sure to bring a camera as its breathtaking interior photos will make great keepsakes.
Schwarzwald-Messe. This industrial site is located within the heart of the Black Forest and was built in 1937. It is known for its impressive architecture, which is inspired by Futurism and includes several modernist buildings. It is located at 46 Böttingerstraße and is open every day from 9 am to 5 pm, with no entrance fee.
City Hall. This beautiful Baroque building is located in the Old Town and is known for its grand façade, ornate portico, and spiral staircases. It is open from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 5 pm, with no entrance fee. Head to the second floor to take in the breathtaking views of the city.
Historical Museum. Located in the Old Town at 21 Oberstraße, the museum is home to an impressive collection of artworks, artifacts, and sculptures from various periods in the city’s history. It is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm, with an entrance fee of €6.
Schlossberg Tower. Located at 19 Schlossberg, the tower is one of the oldest structures in the city and is known for its stunning views of the Rhine Valley and the surrounding countryside. It is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm, with no entrance fee.
Geroldsau Falls. Located at Furtweg 2, Geroldsau Falls is one of the most popular attractions in the city. It is a stunning waterfall located in a lush forest and is a great spot to explore on a hot summer day. There is a small entrance fee and the falls are open from 9 am to 5 pm.
Eating Out. Offenburg has a variety of delicious cuisine to try. For traditional German dishes, head to Old Town’s Oberkirch restaurant or the Schlossberg brewery. For a more eclectic meal, try out the local restaurants like the Bärenstube or the Löwenbrun restaurant. And for a light snack, the city’s many bakeries, cafes and ice cream shops are the perfect spot.
Offenburg is a great destination for those looking to explore historical and architectural sites, as well as sample delicious food from a variety of cuisines. With its impressive churches, stunning architecture, and gastronomic delights, a visit to this city is sure to be an experience of a lifetime.
ミュンヘン中央駅の住所はBayerstraße 10A, 80335 Münchenです。駅の営業時間は、毎日24時間開いていますが、店舗やサービスカウンターの営業時間は異なる場合があるので訪問前に確認することをお勧めします。手荷物委託サービスも提供しており、旅行中の荷物の取り扱いを容易にしてくれます。これらのサービスを利用することで、ミュンヘンでの滞在をより快適に、そして効率的に過ごすことができるでしょう。
Offenburg, in Germany, is home to one of the most important train stations in the country. Offenburg Hauptbahnhof is the main train station of the city, located in the center of Offenburg. There are other stations: Offenburg Ost, Offenburg Süd and Blankenloch.
The main station of Offenburg is open daily from 4:30am to 12:00am, with no service between 12:00am and 4:30am. You can contact the station by calling +49 1805 575 575. Luggage storage and lockers are available in the building.