Exploring the German Scenery: A Train Journey from Düsseldorf to Hamburg
Whether you are a traveler who enjoys the comfort of a train or a train enthusiast looking to discover the breathtaking German scenery, a train journey from Düsseldorf to Hamburg is your ticket to an unforgettable experience. With the shortest duration of this trip being around 5 hours, you can sit back and enjoy the ride passing through some of the key cities such as Hanover, Bielefeld, and Bremen. The distance between Düsseldorf and Hamburg is 346 km (215 miles), however, it will be worth the journey as some of the most iconic sites, such as the old castle of Herrenhausen and the historical churches of Oldenstadt, can be discovered en route.
The journey on the ICE train is comfortable and cost-effective. Throughout the trip, travelers will get to experience a wide array of German culture, as they pass through local towns such as Holzminden, as well as larger cities such as Bremen. As part of the journey, travelers will also get to admire some of Germany's most notable industrial areas. The journey is sure to be a memorable one, especially arriving in Hamburg, the second-largest city in Germany.
Whether it's the stunning views of the German countryside, or the fascinating landmarks of the cities, a train journey from Düsseldorf to Hamburg will take you on an unforgettable journey. In addition to the scenic views, you can also take advantage of the free Wi-Fi on the ICE train and make the most of your trip. So, come explore the German scenery and take the train from Düsseldorf to Hamburg!
How long does the train from Duesseldorf to Hamburg take?
The fastest journey time by train from Duesseldorf to Hamburg is 5 hours and 14 minutes. The longest journey time is 5 hours and 21 minutes. 5 hours is the average journey time.
What is the fastest journey from Duesseldorf to Hamburg by train?
The fastest journey time on the Duesseldorf to Hamburg route is 5 hours and 14 minutes. This journey time is available on the InterCity Express (ICE) trains departing from Duesseldorf Hbf to Hamburg-Alton
How much does the train cost from Duesseldorf to Hamburg?
The average ticket price for a single ticket from Duesseldorf to Hamburg is around €37.00. Price may vary depending on the departure and destination cities as well as the type of train and fare type chosen.
How much does the Duesseldorf to Hamburg?
Yes, there is a direct train from Duesseldorf to Hamburg. The ICE services run direct from Duesseldorf Hbf to Hamburg-Alton
What is the distance from Duesseldorf to Hamburg by train?
The total distance from Duesseldorf to Hamburg by train is 486 Km.
Which are the cities that the train stops from Duesseldorf to Hamburg?
The train stops in Bielefeld, Hannover, Wolfsburg, Uelzen, and Bremen on its way from Duesseldorf to Hamburg. All of these cities are located in Germany.
接下来是昆斯特宫(Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen),是艺术爱好者的天堂。这里展出了20世纪和21世纪的艺术作品。位置:Grabbeplatz。开放时间:周二至周日10:00-18:00,周四至20:00。门票:12€。内部提示:别错过达利和毕加索的作品。
不可错过的还有杜塞尔多夫艺术学院(Kunstakademie Düsseldorf),这里是许多著名艺术家的摇篮。位置:Eiskellerstraße。开放时间:变动,请提前查证。门票:免费。内部提示:参观学院时,可以预约参加学生作品展。
本宁根宫(Schloss Benrath)以其粉红色外观和精致的巴洛克风格吸引了大量游客。位置:Benrather Schloßallee。开放时间:周二至周日11:00-17:00。门票:14€。内部提示:参观完宫殿不妨漫步于其周围的美丽花园。
杜塞尔多夫市立博物馆(Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf)是了解这座城市历史的绝佳场所。位置:Berger Allee。开放时间:周二至周日11:00-18:00。门票:免费。内部提示:特别注意展出的18世纪城市模型。
最后,要品尝杜塞尔多夫地道美食,卡尔斯普拉茨市场(Carlsplatz Markt)是不二之选。位置:卡尔斯普拉茨。开放时间:周一至周六8:00-18:00。门票:免费。内部提示:尝试当地的鲜肉馅饼和Rheinischer Sauerbraten。
接下来,迷你奇幻世界(Miniatur Wunderland)是世界上最大的模型铁路展览,展现了细致入微的欧洲小镇、繁忙的机场和闪烁的迷你城市,位于Speicherstadt仓库区,全年开放,成人票价€15。
圣米迦勒教堂(St. Michaelis Church)也是汉堡的地标之一,这座壮观的教堂以其巨大的铜顶和内部华丽装饰而闻名,开放时间全年无休,免费参观。
不容错过的还有汉堡艺术馆(Hamburger Kunsthalle),它收藏了从中世纪到现代的欧洲艺术珍品,位于城市中心,门票€14。
历史爱好者应该访问国际海事博物馆(International Maritime Museum),这里展示了汉堡航海历史的各个方面,门票€13。
汉堡的老隧道老艾尔贝隧道(Alter Elbtunnel)也值得一步,这条1907年建成的隧道连接了城市和河对面的地区,免费开放。
杜塞尔多夫是德国西部一个重要的交通枢纽,杜塞尔多夫中央车站(Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof)作为该市的主要火车站,承担着大量的国内外客运任务。此外,杜塞尔多夫还设有其他几个小型车站,用于地区交通,确保城市各处均能方便到达。
杜塞尔多夫中央车站位于Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 14,车站的营业时间覆盖全天,为旅客提供极大的便利。该车站提供的服务包括但不限于行李托运服务,帮助旅客解决行李携带的困扰。
汉堡中央火车站位于汉堡市中心,地址为20099 汉堡。车站全年无休,营业时间贯穿日夜,提供灵活的出行选择给旅客。