How long does the train from Berlin to Kiel take?
The train ride from Berlin to Kiel by train usually lasts about 3 hours and 23 minutes, with some trains taking up to 4 hours.
What is the fastest journey from Berlin to Kiel by train?
The fastest train journey from Berlin to Kiel by train takes about 2 hours and 55 minutes.
How much does the train cost from Berlin to Kiel?
The cost of the train from Berlin to Kiel can vary, but it usually costs around €25 for a one-way ticket.
How much does the Berlin to Kiel?
Yes, there is a direct train from Berlin to Kiel.
What is the distance from Berlin to Kiel by train?
The distance from Berlin to Kiel by train is 203 km.
Which are the cities that the train stops from Berlin to Kiel?
The cities that the train stops from Berlin to Kiel includes Berlin, Hamburg, Lübeck, Wismar, and Kiel. The train stops at the Berlin Hauptbahnhof, Hamburg Hauptbahnhof, Lübeck Hauptbahnhof, Wismar Hauptbahnhof, and Kiel Hauptbahnhof.
位置: パリ広場
時間: 24時間開放
入場料: 無料
内部者のチップ: 夜間に訪れると、ライトアップされた門が幻想的な雰囲気を演出します。
位置: ベルンハウアー通り
時間: 24時間開放
入場料: 無料
内部者のチップ: イーストサイドギャラリーで壁のアートワークを見ることをお勧めします。
位置: リンデン通り
時間: 10:00-18:00
入場料: 10ユーロ
内部者のチップ: 美術館のカフェで地元のコーヒーを楽しむのも良いでしょう。
位置: アレクサンダー広場
時間: 09:00-00:00
入場料: 16ユーロ
内部者のチップ: 早朝または夕方に訪れると、待ち時間を避けられます。
位置: シャルロッテンブルク地区
時間: 10:00-17:00
入場料: 12ユーロ
内部者のチップ: 宮殿の庭園を散策する時間を取ってください。
位置: ミッテ地区のレストラン
内部者のチップ: ベルリン訪問の際は、地元の味覚であるクルリーンブルストをぜひ試してみてください。
位置: クロイツベルク地区
内部者のチップ: クロイツベルク地区で、地元民に愛されるドネルケバブを体験してみましょう。
Kiel is a vibrant and beautiful port city in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. With a rich history of seafaring and trade, Kiel is a destination for those seeking a combination of picturesque waterfronts and cultural immersion. Whether you’re looking for grand architecture or cool nightlife, there’s something for everyone here. From ancient historical sites to contemporary cafes, here are the top things to do, see and try in Kiel.
Kiel Fjord: Kiel Fjord is a stunning body of water that can be explored by boat or kayak. Here travelers can take in the views of the surrounding mountains and Kiel’s maritime charm. The fjord is also home to an array of wildlife, including seals and seabirds.
St. Nicholas' Church: St. Nicholas' Church is a Gothic-style cathedral and one of Kiel’s most important historical and architectural sites. The building, dating back to the 13th century, boasts a distinctive onion dome and is renowned for its beauty and grandeur.
Old Market Square: Old Market Square is at the heart of the city and is a major attraction in Kiel. Surrounded by centuries-old buildings, the market square hosts an array of markets, events, and festivals, and is also an excellent spot to sample some local food and drink.
Kiel Canal: Kiel Canal is an impressive feat of engineering and connects the Baltic Sea with the North Sea. It is the busiest artificial waterway in the world and can be explored on a boat tour or from a nearby bridge.
Kiel Town Hall: Kiel Town Hall is a stunning Renaissance building in the heart of the city. Its façade is adorned with statues, while its interior is decorated with lavish stucco work and frescoes. It is open to the public and offers guided tours.
Kiel Aquarium and Zoo: Kiel Aquarium and Zoo is a great place for travelers with kids. It is home to a huge array of species and features a diverse array of walk-through exhibits.
Forum Kiel: Forum Kiel is a contemporary entertainment venue and cultural hub with an array of live music, theater, and film screenings. Its many restaurants and bars are popular with locals and visitors alike.
From stunning architecture to fascinating historical sites, Kiel has something for everyone. Its combination of vibrant nightlife and picturesque waterfronts make it the perfect place to explore and unwind. And, be sure to feast on Kiel’s regional specialties, such as its delicious fish and smoked salmon.
ベルリンには、旅行者にとって中心的な役割を果たす主要な鉄道駅があります。ベルリン中央駅(Berlin Hauptbahnhof)は、その中心であり、市内だけでなく国際的な目的地へのアクセス点として機能しています。この駅の他にも、ベルリン東駅(Ostbahnhof)やベルリン南十字駅(Südkreuz)など、都市内には複数の重要な鉄道駅が存在し、旅行者が目的地へ容易にアクセスできるようにしています。
ベルリン中央駅は、Europa-Platz 1に位置しており、毎日24時間営業しています。駅内では、手荷物委託サービスを含め、旅行者が快適に過ごせる多くの便利なサービスを提供しています。また、駅周辺には多くのレストランやカフェがあり、食事や休憩に便利です。この駅からは、ベルリンの名所や観光地へ簡単にアクセスできるため、訪れる際には是非この駅を利用してみてください。
Kiel, in Germany, is home to the main railway station for the area, Kiel Hauptbahnhof. The station is the hub of the city’s railway network and offers connections to towns both near and far. There are also several other significant train stations within Kiel, including Kiel-Wik, Kiel-Schreventeich, and Kiel-Mettenhof.
Kiel Hauptbahnhof is located at Hermann-Föge-Straße 1, 24103 Kiel, Germany. It is open 24 hours a day, allowing travelers to come and go as they need. The station has a customer service center which can be contacted over the phone on +49 (0)431 9568 50 or by email at kundencenter@kb-kiel.de. It also offers luggage storage for short-term visitors.